Terms & Conditions

Elevate Policy 2024

Elevate Gymnastics Club Policy

Policy Statement

Elevate Gymnastics Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of all its members. The welfare of the young people in Elevate Gymnastics Club is its first priority, and the club is committed to providing an environment that allows participants to perform to the best of their ability, free from bullying and intimidation. Adults interacting with young people in sport should do so with integrity and respect for the child. Verbal, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse of any kind is unacceptable within sport.

Sport for young people should be treated equitably and fairly regardless of age, ability, sex, religion, social and ethnic background, or political persuasion. Children with a disability should be involved in sports activities in an integrated way.

Elevate Gymnastics Club has both a male and a female Children’s Officer to assist in safeguarding young people in sport. Details of Children’s Officers are displayed on notice boards in the gym.

Every individual in Elevate Gymnastics Club should at all times show respect and understanding for members’ rights, safety, and welfare, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the club and the guidelines contained in Elevate Gymnastics Club’s Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Sport for Young People.

Code of Conduct for Young People

Elevate Gymnastics Club aims to provide the best possible environment for all young people involved in gymnastics and cheerleading.

Participants Are Entitled To:

• Be listened to

• Be believed

• Be safe and feel safe

• Be treated with dignity, sensitivity, and respect

• Have a voice in the club/organisation

• Participate on an equal basis

• Be happy, have fun, and enjoy sport

• Experience competition at a level at which they feel comfortable

• Make complaints and have them dealt with

• Get help against bullies

• Confidentiality

Participants Should:

• Treat coaches/helpers with respect

• Respect team members

• Respect opponents

• Abide by the rules set down by the club when traveling to away events

• Talk to the Children’s Officer, Coach, or Helpers if they have any problems

• Bring all necessary medication with them at all times (e.g., inhaler)

Participants Will Not:

• Use inappropriate language in the gym or at any event(s)

• Show disrespectful or unacceptable behaviour towards Instructors or gymnasts, such as back talk or rolling of eyes

• Participate in pettiness, gossiping, or cliques, which attempt to exclude or alienate certain members. Bullying will not be tolerated in any form

• Drink, smoke, or use any illegal substances or use violence or physical contact that is not allowed within the rules

• Shout or argue with coaches, team mates, or individuals at organised events

• Harm team members or their property

Code of Conduct for Parents/Guardians

• I will respect the procedures set down in the Elevate Gymnastics Club Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Sport for Young People.

• I will respect my child’s team-mates, leaders (e.g., Manager, Coaches, Officials, Judges), as well as all athletes, parents, and coaches. I will encourage my child to treat other participants, coaches, and parent helpers with respect.

• I will give encouragement to my child and his/her teammates.

• I will respect my child’s coaches and support his/her efforts.

• I will respect the officials and their authority during sessions and events.

• I will never demonstrate threatening or abusive behaviour or use foul language in the Elevate Gymnastics Club environment.

• I will make sure my child has appropriate medication (e.g., inhaler) with him/her at all times when attending training sessions or away events.

• I will make my child/children aware that there are uneven surfaces in the gymnasium (e.g., mats on the floor) and to listen to the instruction of the coaches at all times.

Code of Conduct for Coaches/Volunteers

I confirm that I have familiarised myself with the procedures in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Sport for Young People in Elevate Gymnastics Club.

I also understand that I should:

• Be positive during sessions, praise, and encourage effort as well as results

• Plan and prepare appropriately

• Encourage fair play, treat participants equally

• Recognise developmental needs

• Be qualified and up-to-date with knowledge and skills of sport and gymnastics for young people

• Involve parents where possible and inform parents when problems arise

• Keep records of attendance at training

• Keep a brief record of injury(s) and action taken

• Keep a brief record of problem/action/outcomes if behavioural problems arise

I understand that I should not:

• Use any form of physical force on a child

• Engage in rough physical games, sexually provocative games, or allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any kind, and/or make sexually suggestive comments about, or to, a child

Class Arrival/Departure and Spectating

Class Arrival/Departure

It is the responsibility of the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) to ensure children are taken to and collected promptly from the classes to which they have been enrolled. Children should not be dropped off more than five minutes before their class time as Elevate Gymnastics Club can accept no responsibility for children outside of the class times to which they have been enrolled. Elevate Gymnastics Club requests that Parent(s)/Guardian(s) escort their child/children to and from the facility.

Children should be collected at the end of the scheduled class time; Elevate Gymnastics Club can accept no responsibility for children outside of the class times to which they have been enrolled.


Spectating is optional; however, if your child/children have difficulty focusing or following directions, or if your child needs assistance to use the bathroom, Elevate Gymnastics Club requires that Parent(s)/Guardian(s) stay for the duration of the class.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) who choose to remain as spectators for the duration of the class are welcome to do so in a designated area, provided they and/or any accompanying child/ren do not disrupt the class, in which case they will be requested to leave.

The use of electronic devices, i.e., mobile phones/cameras/video, etc., is strictly forbidden during gymnastics sessions.

Recruitment Policy

Elevate Gymnastics Club undertakes to take all reasonable steps to ensure that coaches are suitable and appropriately qualified, whether remunerated or working voluntarily. The club undertakes to follow an application process which includes an interview and reference.

Any individual who wishes to participate in coaching support work with young people must complete the Garda Vetting process and provide Elevate Gymnastics Club with the vetting disclosure documentation. Participants must take personal responsibility for the safety and health of themselves and others, observe safe standards of behaviour and dress code, and familiarise themselves with the safety requirements of Elevate Gymnastics Club, its venues, and its Code of Ethics. Coaching education will be provided by Elevate Gymnastics Club, and additional coaching education in the form of courses and awards can be organised by Elevate Gymnastics Club at their discretion.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Bullying is defined as repeated aggression in verbal, psychological, or physical form, including cyberbullying, which is conducted by an individual or group against others intended to aggravate and intimidate.

Bullying will not be tolerated.

The Elevate Gymnastics Club Code of Conduct supports the rights and dignity of the individual as a preventative measure against such behaviour. Elevate Gymnastics Club will adopt the Irish Sports Council No-Blame Approach to bullying if appropriate, which outlines a number of steps towards resolution:

1. Interview with the victim/s

2. Meet with all involved

3. Explanation of the problem

4. Share the responsibility

5. Ask the group for input if appropriate

6. Identification of problem and solution

7. Meet again

Policy on Photography and Filming

Parent/s or guardian/s wishing to record an event or practice session should seek advice from the coaches or Children’s Officer prior to the event.

Professional bodies of photographers/film-makers and members of the press will be informed of the club’s Code of Conduct in relation to child protection.

Anyone concerned about photography taking place at events or training sessions should address the club coach or Children’s Officer/Designated Person.

Photos taken during the year may be used for promotional purposes in the media.

Please notify club officials if you do not wish your child to be included.

Online/Social Media Guidelines

Gymnastics is a spectacular sport and gymnasts are passionate about their achievements and aspirations. In this digital age, open, honest communication in the digital environment by participation in blogs, wikis, online social networks (such as Facebook) or any other form of online publishing or discussion has become a form of modern expression. However, new responsibilities for athletes, parents, and family have emerged with the profound changes in communication as these new forms have altered the way in which we talk to each other and even how we navigate with our fellow athletes, competitors, target audiences of new athletes, and partner gyms and cheer organisations. In order to avoid any problems or misunderstandings, Elevate Gymnastics Club, as an identified ‘brand’ in the gymnastics world, has come up with guidelines to provide helpful and practical advice for you regarding online behaviour.

1. Only a small nominated number of people of the club are considered Official Spokesperson or representative for Elevate Gymnastics Club (refer to Head Coach for details). Therefore, when writing or posting an opinion or statement regarding Elevate Gymnastics Club you must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of the club.

2. You are personally and legally responsible for the content you publish on social media, blogs, message boards, or any other form of user-generated media. Please remember that everything you publish will be visible to the world indefinitely regardless of whether you “delete” it (commonly referred to as a “Digital Footprint”). The club therefore strongly recommends that athletes and parents ALWAYS EXERCISE THE UTMOST CAUTION when participating in any form of social media or online communication.

3. Elevate Gymnastics Club reserves the right to ask athletes, parents, and family members to delete, remove, or make “private” any content published in a public forum meant to embarrass, threaten, harass, bully, degrade, or make forcibly uncomfortable any team, coach, athlete, parent, group of individuals, or any other special interest regardless of gym or affiliation.

4. All videos, photos, and audio recordings that have been labelled “sensitive” or “private” such as new music, team practice, uniform designs, or concepts and other “intellectual capital” will not be shared nor discussed in social media or via text messaging or electronic dissemination at any time. Any athlete who shares or posts without permission any private or discretionary details about the gym will face possible removal from the team/gym and will not be entitled to any refund or restitution of any kind.

5. In addition, it is not permitted to use the Elevate Gymnastics Club name/logo or any variation of the club’s name/logo in your email address or social media/message board username. If you already do so, it must be changed.

Remember that you represent Elevate Gymnastics Club even when not in the gym or competition venue. Be thoughtful of your behaviour when you have on a Club T-shirt, backpack, or bear any other club-related item. Those same rules apply when you are online as a member of Elevate Gymnastics Club.

Child Welfare and Protection Plan

Elevate Gymnastics Club accepts that organisations, which include young people among its members, are vulnerable to the occurrence of child abuse. Child welfare and the protection of young people are the concern of all adults at all times. Grounds for concern include a specific indication from a child, a statement from a person who witnessed abuse, or an illness, injury, or behaviour consistent with abuse.

A report may be made by any member in the club but should be passed on to the Children’s Officer who may in turn have to pass the concern to the local Statutory Authorities.

Allegations against Coaches 

Elevate Gymnastics Club has agreed procedures to be followed in cases of alleged child abuse against a coach: a reporting procedure and a procedure for dealing with the coach.

If appropriate, the matter will be reported via the Children’s Officer to the local health board/social services if there are reasonable grounds for concern.

The safety of the child making the allegation and any other children who may be at risk will be considered in line with confidentiality.

The coach will be treated with respect and fairness.

Mobile Phones and Valuables in Training

Elevate Gymnastics Club does not encourage the use of mobile phones during class. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) wishing to make contact with their children during sessions can do so through the coaches.

It is advisable not to bring valuable items to training sessions or away events. Elevate Gymnastics Club will not be held liable or responsible for any lost/damaged/stolen items.

Level Progression System

At Elevate Gymnastics Club, we have an eight-level progression system, designed to ensure the best possible development of our gymnasts. Each level consists of ten essential skills that children must master before advancing to the next level, as well as conditioning exercises that can be completed at home. These skills are foundational building blocks, critical for learning more advanced techniques. Missing any skill can hinder proper progression.

Key Points of the Level Progression System:

• Levels and Skills: There are eight levels, with each level comprising of ten specific skills.

• Testing Days: Designated testing days will be scheduled for athletes to demonstrate their proficiency in their levels.

• Skill Mastery: Every skill must be completed in each level before moving to the next.

• Level Cards: At the beginning of the year, children will receive their level cards to track their progress. If a card is lost, a replacement fee of 5 euros will be charged for a replacement. 

• Coach Responsibility: Coaches have the sole responsibility to assess and pass children to the next level, and it is only the coaches who can sign the level cards. 

• Card Management: In some classes, level cards will be held by the coaches, while in larger or more age-appropriate classes, children can take their cards home. It is important to keep these cards safe.

• Purpose of Levels: The level progression system is meticulously designed to help athletes acquire and master basic skills, which are crucial for developing more complex and advanced gymnastics skills.

* Completing a Level. Once you have completed a level card, you may take them home permanently. 

This structured approach, ensures that every athlete at Elevate Gymnastics Club progresses at a pace suitable for their development, laying a solid foundation for future gymnastics success!

Emergency Safety Plan

Elevate Gymnastics Club has in place an Emergency Action Plan in the event of an emergency. The club conducts and records appropriate drills in accordance with safety regulations and in compliance with existing procedures in the premises utilised by the club. An Emergency Action Plan is displayed during coaching sessions.

• Sounding Alarm

• Evacuation to designated Assembly Points including special provisions for persons requiring assistance

• Staff responsibilities

• Documentation including access to Emergency Contact Numbers (as below) and Registers


Emergency (Ambulance/Fire/Garda Siochana): 112/999

Elevate Emergency Officer:

Daniel Farkas 087-0531527

Registration, Cancellations, and Refunds


Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are required to complete requisite documentation for registration of their child/ren in Elevate Gymnastics Club and to read and acknowledge by signature their acceptance of the Club’s Code of Ethics & Good Practice for Sport for Young People. It is the responsibility of the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) to notify club officials in writing of any changes in personal details which may affect the safety of their child/ren, i.e., emergency contact numbers.

Cancelled Classes

On occasion, Elevate Gymnastics Club may have to cancel a class/classes for reasons beyond their control, i.e., staff sickness. In these circumstances, a refund will not be issued but a make-up class will be rescheduled. However, in the event Elevate Gymnastics Club is forced to cancel a gymnastics/cheerleading class/classes because of circumstances beyond their control, i.e., venue closures due to adverse weather conditions, the club will attempt to reschedule the missed class(es) as appropriate.but will not be issuing any refund.


Children allocated a place in Elevate Gymnastics Club are required to pay fees per term in advance. No refunds will be made if, for whatever reasons, parent(s)/guardian(s) decide to remove child/ren from the club during the term.

Data Protection Policy

By registering with Elevate Gymnastics Club, I understand that the personal data on the registration form will be used by the club for the contractual purpose of registering and maintaining annual registration with the club. I understand that without supplying requisite personal data it is not possible to register with the club. I understand personal data will be used for administrative purposes, i.e., competition entry, injury reports, contacting parent/guardian. I consent to the sharing of medical data as given in the registration for the purpose of safe participation in gymnastics and/or cheerleading and administering of medical assistance if required. I understand that I can resign the applicant’s membership in writing to the club and personal data will be erased.

Privacy Notice Re: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018

In accordance with the EU GDPR May 2018, the information above provides specifics about the use and storage of personal information. We only use personal information for the reasons above. We keep and use your personal information for as long as you have a relationship with us. We hold it after this only where required for complaints handling or for as long as needed under any other regulation.

Gymnastics Progression Booklet Policy

  1. Initial Booklet: Each athlete will receive their first progression booklet free of charge at the start of their program.
  2. Replacement Booklets: If the booklet is lost, damaged, or misplaced, a replacement can be requested. However, a fee of €5 will be charged for each replacement booklet.
  3. Responsibility: Athletes (and their parents/guardians) are responsible for keeping the booklet safe and in good condition throughout their training.
  4. Payment: The €5 replacement fee must be paid in full before a new booklet is issued.

By receiving the booklet, athletes and their families acknowledge and agree to these terms.

Acknowledgment of Risks and Disclaimer

The sports of gymnastics and cheerleading carry an element of risk which may result in bodily injury to the participant. Gymnastics also requires the coach to perform some manual spotting which involves direct physical contact designed to assist the participant in the safe execution of skills.

Coaches are not responsible for athletes before and after class; you should therefore ensure your child is dropped off and collected on time.

Elevate Gymnastics Club will not be held responsible for lost or stolen property.


It is understood that gymnastics, cheerleading, and dance can be hazardous and that injuries can result from these activities.

It is understood that the use of Elevate Gymnastics Club facilities and equipment, if not used in accordance with the instructions of the coach, may be hazardous and lead to injury.

It is understood that whilst in the gymnasium with a coach, no spectating party is permitted on the gymnastic equipment.

It is understood that no athlete is allowed inside the gymnasium without an Elevate Gymnastics Club head coach.


It is acknowledged that athletes attending any of Elevate Gymnastics Club activities:

• Are physically fit and able to withstand the exertion of participation in gymnastics and cheerleading activities.

• Have notified the head coach of any past injuries which may affect the athlete’s participation in gymnastics and cheerleading activities.

• Have acknowledged that by following any of our physical activities or any of our videos, in any form, carries an element of risk of injury.

• Understand that Elevate Gymnastics Club and its venues cannot accept responsibility for any injuries incurred in the normal and certified practice of gymnastics and cheerleading instruction.

Disclaimer of Liability

Elevate Gymnastics Club is not liable under the above conditions, that is, in the proper use of the facility and equipment, except in respect of personal injury (or death) caused by negligence of Elevate Gymnastics Club.

It is understood and agreed that this disclaimer of liability is applied each time an athlete participates in any of Elevate Gymnastics Club activities.

Revised: 22nd of July 2024

Robert Jake Shirtliff